Family Support Program
The N8PP Family Support Program aims to bring support and reconnection, to start the conversations that no one wants to have, to remove the stigma and deal with the issues within our families and communities that we've ignored HEAD ON.
Social, cultural and family is key to the overall wellbeing of Pasifika people. It is hurting our people to remain in this state of ignorance and silence, especially given so many of our children are affected by the criminal justice system.
Our team serve from their own lived experience and healing. We know how hard it is to keep the family going and the impact that it has on the entire family. We have felt the judgement, stigma and pain of not being able to help, feeling helpless and finding little support.
We recognise the importance of supporting family members, who themselves are suffering the trauma of incarceration, the stigma and the culture of silence in our communities.
You don't have to do this alone! Join the movement. Start the conversation.
Our family support program includes:
Group talanoa sessions
Peer to peer mentoring
Social and Community Connections
Emergency Financial Support (See TOKONI)
Community support (food hampers, housing referrals, work placement)
Referrals to health professionals (counsellors, social workers, psychologists)